On the way home from Christmas festivities with JO's family we heard that the winter storm warning had turned into a blizzard warning. I really hate the snow so this change in the forecast really hit me hard. I started thinking about the last blizzard I experienced in 2005 and how I was basically trapped in my apartment on the South Shore for 4 days. I hate that feeling of being trapped. After a few minutes I realized I had nothing to worry about because I live in such a great neighborhood!
I got up early on Sunday to walk to the grocery store. Yes, I can walk to my grocery store which meant I didn't have to give up my prime parking spot. Then we settled in for an afternoon of playing video games and watching people deal with the snow from "The Bridge" as we refer to our living room that overlooks one of the major streets in Cambridge.
This morning I woke up to a winter wonderland. After breakfast I headed out to walk to Dunkin Donuts for some coffee and to scope out the neighborhood. We spent some more time watching people from "The Bridge." Our favorite moment was the angry man who picked up huge hunks of snow and kept throwing it at the sidewalk.
(one of the stores was "snowed" in by the drifts)
Eventually we headed out to "dig" out our cars but since neither of us really has to go anywhere this week we didn't do too much. I did have to climb on JO's car because of the snowbanks...that was kind of fun!
Dinner time rolled around and we both agreed that we had spent far too much time in the apartment so we hit up The Druid for some delicious food. The service may be less than stellar at this Irish pub but the food more than makes up for it! That's what I love about my neighborhood! By noon today everything was open and fully operating. I could have even gotten ice cream if I dared :-)