One of my favorite annual events in Harvard Square is May Fair. Back in 2006 I trekked into the Square from the South Shore and discovered my favorite band
State Radio on the main music stage. That trip to the May Fair also inspired me the next day when I was unexpectedly pink slipped at work to chase a job closer to the city. Seven years later I'm living the city life and loving the new people the change brought into my life.

This year's May Fair was exactly what I needed after spending the previous day getting rid of 30 years worth of hazardous materials that had accumulated in my dad's house (although drying out latex paint was kind of pretty.)
I was feeling pretty stressed at the prospect of having to get the house ready for the looming closing date and still having not found an apartment for my dad and his dog.
The weather was perfect, not too hot not too cold, so we were really able to enjoy all the Fair has to offer. We even met up with our wedding photographer, the fabulous
Ria MacKenzie, who was in the area. I always love the Chalk on the Block area.
We ended the day with a drink at
Sinclair. Being on their roof deck would've been perfection but the inside was pretty nice. They definitely went with the rustic modern look and they did a pretty nice job with it. We really enjoyed spending the day with good friends and not stressing about my dad's house!
In perfect May Fair luck that night we ended up finding the perfect apartment for my dad and signed the lease a few days later.