JO and I recently went on a spontaneous Inman outing to try
Lord Hobo, a local pub. This has been our list of places to try for a while and I'm glad we finally did.
We started with the chicken lolipops and I am going to tell you now- if you go you must get these. They are the most delicious fried chicken drumsticks on an exposed bone soaking in a soy and sesame seed sauce that is so good the waiter told us to keep it and dunk our fries in it! Our entrees were also good, but to be honest they were a bit underwhelming because the lolipops were so yummy! The restaurant is really open and has a really awesome Cambridge feel. We'll definitely be going back!
In a not so awesome turn of events our neighborhood has gotten some new RRs (Riff Raff if you know what I mean.) We've always had a few, and for the most part they have been more of a nuisance than anything else. RRs are just a part of city life and I'm fine with that...but this new guy is pushing it. Especially because he set up shop on the street corner right outside my door.
Yesterday when I got up to go to work I noticed an older, skinny man walking across the street. He seemed to be moving a bunch of things from one side of the street to the other. When I drove a bit further I realized that he had set up what I can only describe as an outdoor living room, furnished with all of his worldly possessions- including brooms, boots, a mattress and 2 office chairs, on the street corner.

When I returned from work the guy was still there but he was creating some sort of art display with all of his trinkets.

It was extremely strange. JO and I tossed around many theories about this guy including: he was evicted, he was in between leases (it was May 31st after all), and he just really liked to sort coins and hair clips and decided to become his very own living art installation.
We decided that if he wasn't gone by Thursday we would call the police. Lucky for us it didn't come to that because when I left for work this morning he, and all of his possessions except for the art display, were gone. We did find two empty crates of his stuff further up the street. We'll never know what happened to "Super RR" as we nicknamed him but I'm glad he's gone!
Mission stated- This Friday night JO and I are going to get drinks at Upstairs on the Square. We have always wanted to eat at this restaurant but their menu always looks just a little too strange for us so we decided this was a nice way to check this place off the list :-)