We headed out to one of my favorite places in the city, Top of the Hub, for a friends surprise birthday outing. I love Top of the Hub, even on a stormy night when you can't see out the windows. I had such a fun time catching up with Tara and enjoying the beginning of my vacation!
We headed back to Central Square just in time to hit up the Cambridge Dance Party. I've been wanting to go to this for a long time and this year we finally were able to go. I'm so glad we went. This event just shows what a great city Cambridge is. The city closes down a section of Mass Ave. in Central Square. They bring in a great dj and light show to throw it's citizens a huge party to celebrate the summer. We stayed for about an hour and half and had so much fun. There were people of all different ages, races, and backgrounds celebrating together. I absolutely love my city!

The fun continues tonight when we head over to TD Banknorth Garden to see Dispatch and tomorrow morning when I head in for my first morning in Harvard Square!
Happy Summer Vacation!