Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happenings in the Square

My first week of vacation was Harvard Square bliss. The weather was beautiful, perfect for mornings in the Square. I was very happy to see that my tables were finally back. Last summer they disappeared but I was quite excited to find out they had been returned. Except for the pretentious summer schoolers talking about horse back riding my mornings were great. I followed up my reading sessions with some serious window shopping before returning home for afternoons filled with just the right mix of Food TV and HGTV.

Then the weekend got all crazy (I could write a whole blog post about the hospitals in Cambridge) and my calm vacation went haywire. Before anyone starts to worry, thankfully things are back on track but we were forced to miss out on going to the River to watch the fireworks with friends. It's one of my favorite city traditions and I was really sad to miss out on the fireworks. And then, in a city miracle, we realized we could actually watch the firework show from our bedroom. That's right, our apartment offers a view of the Boston fireworks!

In other news, we've started collecting pictures of our favorite places in the city to use at our wedding. It's been fun to play tourist in our own city!

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