Friday, September 16, 2011

A Much Needed Night Out

I'll get back to the Yellowstone trip soon but in the meantime:

This past week seemed to drag on. I couldn't even tell you what happened on Monday...that's how far away it seems. The past weekend was so emotionally draining I just felt like giving up. The anniversary of my mother's death coupled with three financial disasters involving my father, and the 10th anniversary of 9/11 left me feeling in a funk before the week even began. Throw in the first full week of school and I was pretty much spent by the time Friday rolled around. JO and I had made plans to go to Alibi at the Liberty Hotel but after dinner I told him I just wanted to go home. He convinced me to go and I'm so glad he did.

Not only did we have a great time at Alibi, but we discovered that the Liberty Hotel has live music in their upstairs lobby bar on Friday nights. We'll definitely be going back to enjoy that again. We also decided to walk home. I'm not sure why but I'm so glad we did. We discovered a new, awesome bar called Firebred Saints. It had a an electronic etch a sketch projected on the wall and a cool display that mixed up the words from the closed captioning on the tv. We also discovered that Kendall Square has quite a few places on our "to-visit" list.

I feel like I'm constantly being told how horrible a place Cambridge is. Everywhere I go people say it's dirty, it's crowded, it's too hard to get around. Well you know what? It's my city and it's where I love to live! Tonight I was reminded why I love living here!

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