I went my entire adult life without having to move on September 1st! Now, I've had the pleasure of moving my dad two straight September 1sts! It's as fun as it sounds!!! We had the added challenge of dealing with a sick kitten during the move.
Poor Denali started getting sick Friday morning and proceeded to get sick every few hours for the entire day. He wouldn't eat anything so we had to take Denali to the vet in the middle of the move on Saturday. Thanks to some great friends who helped with the move, JO and I were both able to take Denali to the vet who fixed him right up with some liquids and kitty Pepto (seriously, magic drug!) Denali's back to his old self and I'm feeling very relieved.
In between "pukes" |
Sad Nali wouldn't eat |
Off to the vet |
Back to normal |
To make the day even more exciting, I made a Target run on September 1st because I am making a strong case for "Daughter of the Year!" Target on September 1st is pretty much the apocalypse. Shelves were picked clean, people were yelling, Target employees were crying (for real, one guy had a breakdown when a mother asked him about curtains) and there wasn't a trash barrel anywhere! [I've been watching a lot of Schitt's Creek and I channeled my inner David a lot during this trek. I wish I had recorded my running commentary 😀]
In the end, our kitten is all better, my dad is settled in to his new apartment, and I have some great Target stories to tell!! Happy "Allston Christmas" everyone!
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