Sunday, August 21, 2022

Petit Robert

 My city meter has been running on empty for a while now.  Between the heat, impending back to school feelings, train issues, and a general feeling of blahs, my meter was in serious need of a recharge.  Thankfully, the other night, JO and I headed over to the South End for a much needed patio night.  

The patio at Petit Robert had been popping up on my Instagram for a while now, and I jumped on the chance to enjoy some delicious French food with some serious city vibes.  I'm a sucker for a good French restaurant, and even more of a sucker for one that features an authentic bistro style patio.  (I also loved that although this is a super popular restaurant, we were able to get a reservation for a Thursday night just a few days before and we were able to book specifically for the patio.  I'm so sick of these impossible to get in to restaurants- Coquette, I'm looking at you!) 

I'm glad that we booked a table for 7:30.  We got to see the patio go from daylight to twilight and it really added to the mood.  The patio is definitely one of the "it" places in the South End but there isn't an ounce of pretentiousness here at all.  No need to dress to the nines, but if you wanted to, you could.  

We started with some cocktails and escargots and the tomato burrata salad.  

We followed that up with the filet minion which was cooked to perfection.

And of course I had to end with an espresso martini!

I loved everything about this night.  It was just what my city heart needed.  

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