Tuesday, December 3, 2019

SnoWin in Inman

I hate the snow but I do love snow days!  We've been dealing with a three day snow event, these past few days.  The first snow is always kind of exciting and there was definitely a buzz around the neighborhood.  JO and I decided to take advantage of the winter wonderland.

We started with a soak at Inman Oasis! (yes, our neighborhood has a hot tub spa)

As we headed out, the snow started falling and it was just perfect as we walked home through the neighborhood we love so much!  (We've been going to some open houses in other neighborhoods but on this walk home we concluded that we really don't want to leave this special place.)

After dinner, decorating the tree, and redecorating the tree after I tipped it (yikes, it was awful) and with the snow falling, we decided to go out and enjoy a drink in the Square.  We grabbed our Santa hats first (seemed only appropriate) and headed out. 

We ended up at Puritan, fully decked out in Santa hats (I felt a little bad about this, but it was snowing, and casual Sunday so it seemed fine and they didn't care at all.)  I really do love Puritan and we don't stop in nearly enough, especially with the reasonably priced bar menu they feature.  We sampled some sparkling roses and a pot of chocolate cream that was delicious. 

The couple next to us were given a complimentary slice of what I can only describe as "gigantic" cake.  I think they liked our hats because they ended up giving us a slice and it was so good! 

I was really hoping for a snow day on Monday but settled for a delayed opening.  I have to admit, it was quite fun to watch my students who have never seen snow just stare out the window with pure happiness in their eyes.

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