Saturday, October 22, 2022

Happy Honk! and a Stop at Alden and Harlow

 Somerville is known for many things, and one of the best known, is Honk Fest.  Honk Fest happens every year during Indigenous People's Weekend. It brings social justice street bands from all over to the city for three days of music and parades.

JO and I made sure to head over to Davis Square on Saturday to check out all of the music.  Throughout the day, bands were playing all over the square.  We had so much fun enjoying the music, dancing, and singing.

And of course, we found ourselves back at Five Horses Tavern for dinner.

After dinner we found ourselves in a bit of a predicament.  We could get an Uber home but they were a bit pricey or we could try our hand at walking home.  We decided to enjoy the reasonable weather and give walking home a shot.  Of course, we both agreed that if we found a place for a drink on the way home we wouldn't say no.

Well, we tried several spots before we found one that had a spot for us at the bar.  And it was our lucky day because we found two spots at the bar at Alden and Harlow.  If you know, you know what an accomplishment that is for a Saturday night at 8:00 pm.  It was the perfect way to end a perfect fall day! (P.S.~. I've been really into pisco sours lately and I'm not sad abou that!)

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