Friday, October 21, 2022

It's Been a Hot Minute

 Well, it's almost November and I've finally managed to find some time (on a Friday night) to catch up on this blog.  School's been crazy.  Life's been crazy.  You know the drill!  I'm going to do my best to recap the past month and half because I'm feeling a lot more like City Vicky, and that's always a good thing!

I'll kick it off with the last day of summer vacation.  It was a beautiful summer day and I was trying to fend off the school stress for as long as I could, so I suggested we head into Harvard Square for lunch.  I wasn't sure where we would end up.  After meandering around a bit, we walked past Charlie's Kitchen and saw that they had open tables.

We enjoyed the sun, they oysters, and the best priced lobster rolls in the city!

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