Sunday, October 23, 2022

Boston Ballet's My Obsession and Better Sorts Social Club

 By the middle of October I was really hitting my city living groove.  I was excited for a Thursday night "Me Ballet Date."  The only problem, where to eat beforehand?  Since nothing has reopened in the Teatro space (oh how I miss Teatro...I really don't understand why they closed) I've struggled to find a place to eat before shows.  I tried The Last Hurrah but I didn't love that.  The food menu is a bit limiting and although I will spend any night sitting at one of those round tables by the windows, it just didn't have the pre-ballet vibe I was hoping for.

Well, I have excellent news!  After a 2.5 year hiatus, Better Sorts Social Club reopened just in time for my first ballet.  This was the last big outing we had before the world shut down in 2020.  I really loved this place and was getting pretty worried that it wasn't going to reopen.  A few days before the ballet, I was at my wits end looking for a place to eat, when I decided to check their website.  Even though they have a pretty small snack menu I felt like I could make it work.

It felt so nice to walk up the stairs into the beautiful lounge space that is Better Sorts.  I love how cozy this place is.  The olive velvet bar chairs complement the tile backsplash of the bar.  The cozy corners and nooks are still there, and just like before, the lighting is absolutely perfect (if you like dim lighting.) I grabbed a seat at the bar and enjoyed some snacks and a glass of prosecco. It was just like I remembered.

After dinner I headed over to the Opera House for the first ballet of the season.  My Obsession featured three acts, including a repeat of last year's hit Rolling Stones piece.  It was a fantastic city night and I found myself hitting my stride and smiling as I walked towards the train station on the way home.

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