Sunday, February 10, 2019

Colette~ A Little Slice of Palm Springs in Porter Square

2019 hasn't gotten off to a great start.  My dad had a pretty significant mixup with his medicine, our roof leaked, I lost my voice, and had a never ending cold that turned into another bout with strep throat!  To say I'm already fed up with this year is an understatement.

Yesterday we tried to right the ship.  We went down to UConn where my Huskies scored 115 points (I'm ignoring the fact that they gave up 75 points.)  When we got I suggested that we go to Sugar and Spice for dinner.  While we were eating JO mentioned that we might go to Colette, which had just opened up next door at the Porter Square Hotel.  (I had secretly been planning this all along!)

So decked out in all of our Husky gear, including my new UConn earrings, we headed over to the new restaurant by the owners of acclaimed Frenchie's in the South End!

Can you be in love with a restaurant because I am!  I love everything that is happening here!  The art deco 1920s Palm Springs vibe is amazing!  I love beautiful restaurants and this one is definitely beautiful!  Check out their Instagram for lots of interior pictures.  I loved all of the bright colors, over the top wallpaper, mix and match vintage chairs, and beautiful light fixtures. 

We grabbed two seats at the marble bar and ordered two glasses of sparkling rose!  Later, JO tried the Colette Mule and said it was really good!  (It was made with brandy not vodka.)

We sampled the dessert.  These fluffy donuts with dipping sauce were to die for!  They were light and fluffy and covered in the most delicious crushed sugar. 

If we lived in Porter Square we would live at this bar!  It was a great warm up for our Palm Springs vacation next week! 

BBII @ Home

By now I'm sure you know how much I love going to the ballet so when I got an email from Boston Ballet about the BBII @ Home performance I quickly ordered a ticket.

BBII is the Boston Ballet's second company and the @home performance is performed at the Boston Ballet's School of Ballet and featured a new piece and several classic pieces performed by the second company.  I was super excited to get to go inside the ballet school and see such an intimate performance.

It was so neat to get to see the practice spaces and even the call sheets for the dancers.  The studio the performance was held in was beautiful.  When the lights went out and the city buildings came into focus in these giant windows it was magical.  (I want to live in the apartments across the street- I would watch the dancing every day.)

I've never gotten to sit so close to the dancers before.  You could hear every breath, every shoe push on the floor.  I was just getting over being sick again and I almost skipped the performance.  I'm glad I didn't.  It was such a neat experience and definitely filled my ballet void between the Nutcracker and Full On Forsythe in March.

Zachariah Hickman at Club Passim

JO and I have a new policy.  If Zachariah Hickman is playing a show at Club Passim we will be there.  Since, we had so much fun at his campfire show at Passim a few months ago we decided to get tickets to his "Let's Get Weird" show last week.

I can't think of a more fitting title for this show.  From weird instruments, to weird pairings, to a weird mix of covers and jazz, this show pretty much had it all.  

This is my monthly plug~ go see a show at Passim.  You won't be disappointed...and many of the shows do not feature dragon sousaphones if that's not your jam!  But if they are, go to a Zachariah Hickman show!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Fridge Speaks the Truth

If you don't follow the Fridge at Trina's Starlite Lounge, you really should.  I mean, this is pretty accurate, right?

January had me at my Wit's End

January really sucked!  There's no other way to put it.  There was a lot of stuff to deal with my dad, with our leaking roof, with school, and to top it off my Huskies lost two games.  I also lost my voice and then caught a second cold on top of that!!! 😱

On Friday night all I wanted to do is eat Spaghetti O's and sit on the couch.  I had fit the sneezy stage of my cold and I was pretty miserable.  JO convinced me that Spaghetti O's weren't the way to go.   We headed over to Casa Portugal.  The waitress just asked us if we wanted our usual meal!  They really don't even need to give us menus anymore.

After dinner we decided to continue the evening at Wit's End!  We don't go to this place enough.  The bar area really is great.  It's open, with high ceilings, and great window views of Inman.  Here's hoping February is better than January!