Monday, July 25, 2022

Hiking to Camp Muir

 I rarely talk about our vacations but I have to take some time to wrap my mind around some of the hikes we recently accomplished on our trip out to the Pacific Northwest.  It's been several years since we've gone on a big hiking trip and I was so excited to get back on the trails.  I also wanted to go to Seattle, so a hiking trip in Washington seemed like a great fit.  We had a pretty aggressive hiking program and had planned a spring of training.  That didn't happen due to the weather, our schedules, and life stuff, so heading into the trip I really wasn't feeling great about our chances.  

We arrived at Mt. Rainier National Park on a Sunday.  We took our time heading up to Paradise because check in wasn't until 4:00 and we didn't want to do any hiking the day before our Camp Muir hike.  It was nice to be able to stop at all the lower view points and have a yummy lunch at the National Park Inn.  

After we got the Paradise area we checked in with a ranger to talk about our hike and get any important information we might need.  (We had done a lot of research already, so we were really prepared but it's always important to talk to the rangers.)  She reviewed the route and gave us a super handy map with compass coordinates.  The entire trail was under snow (usually just the last 2 miles are on snow) so this would be really helpful as we tried to navigate.  Then we got food and snacks for the next day and waited to check in to our room.  We took in the view of the mountain and did some mental prep.  (At this point I was getting super nervous.  I had never hiked on snow and was getting nervous about getting lost, even though we had that map.) Staring up at the mountain was super helpful, as well as chatting with a group of women who had just finished the hike.  They were so excited and reassured us we wouldn't be getting lost. At this point I felt super ready and excited.

We headed back to our room to pack up our bags and go to bed early.  

We got up at 5:00am the next morning.  Since we stayed at the Paradise Inn we were only a five minute walk to the trail head.  

The sun wasn't quite out yet and it was fun walking around all alone.  We only saw a few other hikers getting ready at the trail head.  We put on our microspikes (super clutch) and set out.  4.1 miles to Camp Muir!

The first two miles of the hike were relatively easy.  The elevation gain really sets in at the two mile mark, or at least that's what I felt like.  We were pretty much alone, a few hikers far in front of us and few far behind us.  It was so cool to be alone, hiking through the snow, with the mountain looming next to us.  The snow crunched under our feet and we were able to really live in the moment because we weren't spent yet.  

At around mile 2.3 we reached the Muir Snowfield.  This is where the vertical gets intense.  You are up on this snowfield that's just going straight up.  The sun was out at this point and it was warm.  We were extra careful about sunscreen (although somehow we managed to miss the tip of my nose and nostril area which was no fun post hike) and we stopped a few times on the snowfield for quick snack breaks.  

Eventually, Camp Muir comes into view and it's one of those things where you can see it but it's pretty far away still.  At this point, you are just going up and up and up and it hurts.  It wasn't that I was tired, I had energy, but my legs hated me.  I got to a point where I had to count steps.  I pushed myself to do 50 steps and then rest, bent over, clinging to my poles. 

With about 400 yards to go, I told JO I had hit a wall and I didn't "need" to get the camp.  He knows me well, because if I had gotten that close and given up it would have eaten away at me.  So he did what he always does, he told me to take it slow and steady and that he wasn't letting me give up.  (He really is the best hiking partner ever!) 

Even when Camp Muir was super close, maybe 50 feet away, I had to stop and take two breaks.  (I felt better about this later as I watched other hikers approach the camp.) When I got out of the snow and up into the camp I just felt intensely proud of myself.  This was a hike I had wanted to check off my bucket list for so long.  John Muir is one of my heroes and to get to the highest point on Rainier you can go without a permit just felt like such an epic hiking accomplishment.  To be up at basecamp just gave me all of the feels.  Added bonus, we had just absolutely gorgeous weather and could see for miles and miles.

Almost immediately after getting to the camp, JO pushed a Snickers bar in my face, which I gladly accepted.  Then we ate our weird hiking lunch of items we were able to find at the store at the lodge.  We probably looked a bit strange eating our hummus and potato salad but it worked for us.  Looking back, I wish I had walked around the camp a bit more, but I didn't want to interfere with the climbers who were there pre or post summit attempt.  

After our camp lunch, it was time to head back down.  We glissaded down a lot of the snowfield and it was super fun.  I had sworn to JO that I wouldn't be partaking in any glissading but when you can ride your poncho sled down or hike down, the choice becomes really easy.  And guess what?  I loved glissading!

Once the glissading had run out, we still had a long way to go.  We stopped at this gorgeous spot just before Panorama Point for a refuel and I just thought to myself, how lucky are we!

The last 2.5 miles back to Paradise took forever and there were some kind of dicey spots that I didn't love but we just took our time and we were fine.  When we made it back to the parking lot I just wanted to cry because I was so happy.  

We headed back to our room, regrouped, and celebrated with dinner and wine at the Paradise Lodge dining room.  Those eight hours we spent on that mountain will live in my heart and my mind forever!  (Also, not going to lie, a hike like that makes you hungry for more.  Maybe I'll be back some day to summit.)

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Chicks!

 The summer of fun continued with The Chicks concert at the Tweeter Center/Great Woods/I don't even know what the current name of this venue is 🤣

Back in the early 2000s, I was all about The Chicks.  Remember the CD service, BMG?  I definitely got my Chicks cds from them.  I'm not really a country music fan, but I just loved the Chicks and their bad a$$ attitude, style, and just general coolness.  I recently got back into them when they released their new album a few months ago.  So when a friend asked if I was interested, I said yes!

The weather was perfect (and you really never know with summer outdoor concerts in New England.) The show was awesome and had such great video content to go with all of their songs.  I loved the set list and had such a great time!

4th of July

I had all these grand plans to go somewhere for dinner and then head down to the river for the fireworks but when the 4th rolled around, I kind of just wanted to hang on our patio and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  

We kicked things off with some meat, cheese, and bubbles on the patio.  

Then we cut up some slices of cake to bring with us up to the tower to watch the fireworks.

This was a really fun place to watch the fireworks.  Obviously the fireworks are best viewed down by the river, but this vantage point was still fun.  (Plus I could wear my pajamas and it took us three minutes to get home!) 

I felt like we were getting into our Union Square groove.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Picnic and Aeronaut Allston

 On Friday we had one of those nights where we didn't plan anything ahead of time and things kind of just worked out perfectly.  The weather had cooled down enough, so we headed over to Harvard Square to get Felipe's burritos and have a picnic at JFK Park.  I love this park with its views of Memorial Drive and the river.  It's a perfect city spot.

After dinner we decided to wonder over to Aeronaut Allston.  The last time there was Aeronaut Allston (a beer garden with outdoor music put together by Aeronaut Brewing) was the fall of 2019.  We lucked out.  There was a great reggae band and we enjoyed some delicious beers and fun music.  

When we left we thought about getting an Uber but we decided to walk home.  That's actually a long walk.  It had been a really long time since we walked home from something fun like that.  Our new neighborhood isn't as walkable as Inman so we've been driving or ubering a bunch.  I know that's convenient but it's not as a fun.  

Charcuterie at Juliet

 I was looking forward to meeting up with a good friend for lunch this past Friday.  Since she hadn't seen our new place, she was going to come down this way.  No sooner had I said yes, then I remembered how hard it is to get lunch around here.  We could have gone to Hot Box Pizza but it was going to be 95 degrees and I really wanted to "go to lunch" not "go to take out pizza."

I was feeling a bit stressed because I figured we would have to get in the car and drive somewhere in Cambridge for lunch.  That's not really a great way to show off our new neighborhood.  At the last minute, Juliet posted about doing a "Charcuterie and Appertivo" day on Friday.  I grabbed a reservation and I'm so glad we did!  (Not pictured, the amazing glass of sparkling wine that I got.) 

Fox and The Knife, Take Two

A few posts ago, I raved about Fox and The Knife.  Obviously, our experience was so good that we just had to go back.   Sometimes when I go back to a restaurant that I absolutely loved, the second visit is a little less magical just because you already know how awesome it will be.  This is not the case with Fox and the Knife.  

The food and drinks were just as scrumptious as on our first visit.  Since we got the exact same dishes and drinks (why mess with success) I don't have anything new to add about the food, other then it's perfection.  This time we were seated in the dining room area.  It was cozy with just the right amount of table noise to give the space a fun atmosphere.  If I got to pick, I would probably prefer the bar area seat we had the last time because I had fun watching the bartender make drinks and the open kitchen put finishing touches on plates.

Seriously though, if you take one restaurant tip from me, this is it.  Get yourself a reservation to Fox and the Knife and get ready for a real dinging experience.

Ellie Buckland and a Special Guest at Club Passim

I will never pass up a chance to see Ellie Buckland or Lula Wiles at Club Passim.  (I feel like I just recently wrote this sentence but I'm cool with a repeat.) This show was going to be extra special because her opening act was a young singer, Micha John.  

I feel like I've seen this young women grow up because she, like me, does not pass up an Ellie or Lula Wiles show at Club Passim.  (She also goes to most of the other shows we go to.  She has good taste in music 😉 )  Her opening act was really magical and Ellie's set was super fun.  Her on stage banter is worth the ticket price alone. 

I feel like this will be the first of many times I see Micha John at Club Passim.  She's a star in the making.

Coffee at North Point Park

 A week into vacation, I was hitting my stride.  The weather has been fantastic and I spent the first week just relaxing and recharging on our patio.  But after listening to my friend talk about how she was walking all around Cambridge, I got the motivation to get up and do something.  I had to run an errand at REI which gave me the perfect reason to hop on the Green Line and leave the neighborhood for a bit.

I took the Green Line one stop to Lechmere.  You basically stumble off the train and into REI, which was super convenient for me.  I love REI and it was hard for me not to just buy everything.  It was an incredible show of will power that I only left with a t-shirt and sunglasses.  

Since it was so nice out, I decided to extend my outing with a coffee from Tatte and some quality book time in the park.  North Point Park is really awesome and another example of what makes Cambridge great.  When they put in all the housing over there they made sure to build this huge green space.  It's a great amenity for the apartment and condo buildings but also super awesome for residents (and expats like myself.) 

They've dubbed this area Cambridge Crossing and it's anchored by The Lexington, a hotel themed cafe, restaurant, and roof deck bar from the people behind Puritan and Co.  They have a great spot overlooking the little canal.  Lamplighter Brewing also has a great spot and of course, there's a Tatte (which I'm really hoping we can get when the new buildings are finished in our neighborhood.) 

Source Pizza in Harvard Square

 Back in January, when it felt like the world was shutting down again, JO and I went out to eat at Source.  We knew we shouldn't have but we were in the Square, starving, and feeling down in the about the world.  We really enjoyed ourselves and I remember really liking the menu so I made a mental note to remember this place.

Last week I had the chance to catch up with an old acquaintance.  I needed to pick a spot in Harvard Square and I was looking for a place with a good atmosphere, well priced menu with lots of options, and good drinks. I was having trouble with the "well priced" part of this task but then I remembered Source.

We met up on a Tuesday night and I was glad I had made a reservation.  The place was packed.  We were seated in the back by these awesome industrial windows that give you a view of the trees outside.  (The windows are also high enough that you don't see the tombstones in the historical cemetery that houses the trees.)

I love that the menu features pizzas, pastas, and salads. There is literally something for anyone on this menu.  We didn't get drinks but the wine and cocktails all looked like they would be great.  I got a pasta with a bourbon cream sauce and my friend got a mushroom pasta.  We couldn't get over how good the pasta was.  Mine was the rigatoni like noodle with almost a tortalini top.

This was a great place to catch up, chat, and talk about how awesome living in Cambridge is.  (Sigh, I miss it.  Especially when I was listening to my friend talk about how she can walk anywhere.  Again, I love my new place but it's definitely not as walkable as where we used to live.)