Saturday, July 2, 2022

Charcuterie at Juliet

 I was looking forward to meeting up with a good friend for lunch this past Friday.  Since she hadn't seen our new place, she was going to come down this way.  No sooner had I said yes, then I remembered how hard it is to get lunch around here.  We could have gone to Hot Box Pizza but it was going to be 95 degrees and I really wanted to "go to lunch" not "go to take out pizza."

I was feeling a bit stressed because I figured we would have to get in the car and drive somewhere in Cambridge for lunch.  That's not really a great way to show off our new neighborhood.  At the last minute, Juliet posted about doing a "Charcuterie and Appertivo" day on Friday.  I grabbed a reservation and I'm so glad we did!  (Not pictured, the amazing glass of sparkling wine that I got.) 

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