Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 2: Roof Decks

Day 2 of Mission 5 involved one of my favorite spring, summer, and fall outings... eating at the roof deck of Daedalus.

No matter what season, Daedalus is definitely my favorite restaurant in Harvard Square, but my romance with the place goes to epic levels when the roof deck is open. There is nothing like sitting above the Square, on the beautifully designed roof deck, and enjoying a nice meal. Check out the website for pictures of the deck... my description wouldn't do it justice. I was laughing today, remembering back to when we discovered this place. My good friend and I had gone into the Square to do some shopping on a very casual Sunday morning. We were dressed in sweatpants and happened to stumble upon this restaurant. The menu looked great so we decided to give it a try. We were quite shocked when the hostess asked us if we would like to sit on the roof deck. We clearly didn't look like we belonged but they didn't seem to care. That's one of the things I love most about the restaurant. There is definitely an air of city sophistication but it's not over the top. You can get dressed up or wear sneakers and a hat!

Next up: Swan Boats!

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