Saturday, July 2, 2022

Coffee at North Point Park

 A week into vacation, I was hitting my stride.  The weather has been fantastic and I spent the first week just relaxing and recharging on our patio.  But after listening to my friend talk about how she was walking all around Cambridge, I got the motivation to get up and do something.  I had to run an errand at REI which gave me the perfect reason to hop on the Green Line and leave the neighborhood for a bit.

I took the Green Line one stop to Lechmere.  You basically stumble off the train and into REI, which was super convenient for me.  I love REI and it was hard for me not to just buy everything.  It was an incredible show of will power that I only left with a t-shirt and sunglasses.  

Since it was so nice out, I decided to extend my outing with a coffee from Tatte and some quality book time in the park.  North Point Park is really awesome and another example of what makes Cambridge great.  When they put in all the housing over there they made sure to build this huge green space.  It's a great amenity for the apartment and condo buildings but also super awesome for residents (and expats like myself.) 

They've dubbed this area Cambridge Crossing and it's anchored by The Lexington, a hotel themed cafe, restaurant, and roof deck bar from the people behind Puritan and Co.  They have a great spot overlooking the little canal.  Lamplighter Brewing also has a great spot and of course, there's a Tatte (which I'm really hoping we can get when the new buildings are finished in our neighborhood.) 

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