Saturday, July 2, 2022

Source Pizza in Harvard Square

 Back in January, when it felt like the world was shutting down again, JO and I went out to eat at Source.  We knew we shouldn't have but we were in the Square, starving, and feeling down in the about the world.  We really enjoyed ourselves and I remember really liking the menu so I made a mental note to remember this place.

Last week I had the chance to catch up with an old acquaintance.  I needed to pick a spot in Harvard Square and I was looking for a place with a good atmosphere, well priced menu with lots of options, and good drinks. I was having trouble with the "well priced" part of this task but then I remembered Source.

We met up on a Tuesday night and I was glad I had made a reservation.  The place was packed.  We were seated in the back by these awesome industrial windows that give you a view of the trees outside.  (The windows are also high enough that you don't see the tombstones in the historical cemetery that houses the trees.)

I love that the menu features pizzas, pastas, and salads. There is literally something for anyone on this menu.  We didn't get drinks but the wine and cocktails all looked like they would be great.  I got a pasta with a bourbon cream sauce and my friend got a mushroom pasta.  We couldn't get over how good the pasta was.  Mine was the rigatoni like noodle with almost a tortalini top.

This was a great place to catch up, chat, and talk about how awesome living in Cambridge is.  (Sigh, I miss it.  Especially when I was listening to my friend talk about how she can walk anywhere.  Again, I love my new place but it's definitely not as walkable as where we used to live.)

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