Saturday, July 2, 2022

Ellie Buckland and a Special Guest at Club Passim

I will never pass up a chance to see Ellie Buckland or Lula Wiles at Club Passim.  (I feel like I just recently wrote this sentence but I'm cool with a repeat.) This show was going to be extra special because her opening act was a young singer, Micha John.  

I feel like I've seen this young women grow up because she, like me, does not pass up an Ellie or Lula Wiles show at Club Passim.  (She also goes to most of the other shows we go to.  She has good taste in music 😉 )  Her opening act was really magical and Ellie's set was super fun.  Her on stage banter is worth the ticket price alone. 

I feel like this will be the first of many times I see Micha John at Club Passim.  She's a star in the making.

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