Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whew! A Day Off!

I had a much needed day off today. Considering I had a two hour meeting after school on Tuesday, and four hours of meetings tomorrow afternoon/evening, I really needed it. Thankfully Hurricane Ida has been delayed, so we were able to enjoy the city today. We live so close to Central that it only takes us about 25-30 minutes to get to Park Street.

We decided to go to The Marliave for lunch. The Marliave is the sister restaurant to The Grotto. We've eaten at The Grotto twice, and both times it was we had high hopes for The Marliave, and it didn't disappoint. The atmosphere, especially in the upstairs dining room, was fantastic. The food and wine were great. There are so many delicious things on the I'll certainly be going back.

After a delicious dinner we hit up Macy's for the Veterans Day shoe sale extravaganza. JO and I don't normally go shopping together because our shopping styles are so radically different, but I really couldn't handle the Macy's at Downtown Crossing by myself. It's to crazy in there on holidays. JO was my shoe "scout" and helped me find a great pair of boots :-)

We finished our day in the city with a walk through Boston Common and the Public Gardens. The Public Gardens is my absolute favorite place in the park. It is so peaceful in there, and the bridge reminds me of a fairy tale. It was a beautiful day for a walk through the park. The park seemed to be going into hibernation all covered in a blanket of leaves. The flower beds have been dug up and prepared for the winter and the squirrels were digging for acorns.

I feel rested and relaxed. We'll see how long that lasts!

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