Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Out with the Old and In with the New... 2010

2009 was good to me... other than the last few weeks. I've been fighting a pretty nasty cold for almost two weeks but I'm finally on the mend.

2009 was filled with amazing trips- Disney World, the West Coast, and a fabulous staycation in Boston. I'm hopeful 2010 will be just as exciting. Work has been so stressful lately that I've decided to put a new plan in place to keep me sane. In addition to my resolutions from September:

1) 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day (I was really sticking with this until the last few weeks)
2) Purell, Purell, Purell! (Apparently not enough!!!)
3) Going to the gym 2-3 times a week (I just signed up for a new gym membership today)
4) Minimal use of frozen lunches (Only 1 all year)
5) Mandatory blogging time- I find it therapeutic
6) Monthly maintenance of communication with friends that live far away (I have to get going with this one)
7) Read each week (more than just a magazine) and watch one movie per week
8) Regular attendance at "Book Clubs"
9) Leaving school at school (Not even close to achieving this)
10) Cooking more! (see number 1)

I'm going to try to plan one fun city outing per week. I think part of my problem over the past few months, in terms of stress level, has been that I haven't had any dedicated "me" time. As a result, I feel like I haven't been taking advantage of this amazing opportunity that I have in living in Inman Square!

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