We started hearing about a possible snowstorm on Wednesday but I didn't think much of it. After all, it's October. I figured any snow we got would be of the "pretty" variety and not the "real" variety. I stopped listening to the weather on Thursday when their special weather map had predictions of up to 10 inches for some part of Massachusetts. After last year's winter of Snowpocolypse 1, 2, 3, and even more I really can't stand snow. I'm not alone. My fourth graders were not at all excited about the impending storm. That has to say something. I think they are still scarred from last year's six snow days.
That being said, I still didn't think the snow would be that bad. If you remember from my last post, I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I was hoping some city fun would change that. The weekend started off great. Chris van Allsburg, author of great books like Polar Express and Jumanji, was talking about the new book The Chronicles Of Harris Burdick based on his book The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. The talk was at one of my favorite Harvard Square places, The Brattle Theater. A few of my friends from work joined me and a couple of us went for dinner afterward. It was a really fun way to start the weekend and I loved the fact that if I lived back in the woods I would never have been able to go to something like this. Before the talk I stopped by EMS to check out their winter coat sale. I got a kick out of how crazy it was in there. People were ripping gloves, scarves, hats, boots, and jackets off the shelves like we were expecting a blizzard.
Saturday morning we got up early determined to carve a great pumpkin for the Inmanween pumpkin contest. We were really excited with our entry, even if we used a kit.
Unfortunately, by 4:00 it was clear the event would be canceled due to the ridiculous weather unfolding in our area. I was really disappointed since I love the neighborhood events thrown by the Inman Square Business Association. I burrowed under several blankets on the couch ready to succumb to Mother Nature.
Luckily, JO suggested we go to Top of the Hub to watch the snow fall down on the city. This was something we wanted to do last winter but last winter was just too ridiculous it made it really hard to embrace the snow. I threw on the Pufferator (my full length down jacket) and we headed out. Although it was foggy we really enjoyed ourselves. It was relatively empty so we had no problem finding seats at the bar. It was nice to turn the tables on Mother Nature for change and get my "City Mojo" back.
We woke up today to find out half the state doesn't have power and New Hampshire got close to two feet of snow. I'm really hoping this is not a sign of things to happen.
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