Last fall my cousin introduced me to a new weekly podcast,
Mueller She Wrote. Self described as a binder full of women unraveling the mysteries of the Mueller investigation, it is everything you need to get through these crazy times. The two hosts are stand up comics in San Diego. They cover all of the news and add in lots of laughs and inside jokes like put some beans on it, Papadop, Jordan's boyfriend, criming, and squid pro crow. They do a great job reporting the news and have been right on top of, or ahead of all the major stories that have broken. These ladies have gotten me through the last crazy year and I love them so much! Their show became so popular that they were able to put out a daily show called "The Daily Beans." I spend most morning driving to work and laughing out loud. I loved the podcast so much that I shared it with a good friend, who also got hooked, so when MSW announced a live show in Boston we grabbed VIP tickets.

The VIP tickets gave us entrance to the meet and greet before the show. We got to talk with A.G. and Jordan for a while. It was so neat to get to meet them in person. They weren't fans of our cold weather but loved the city.
The live show was amazing and so funny! I can't recommend the two podcasts enough!
There was a live illustrator at the show who drew live what was being discussed on stage.
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