Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Boston Ballet's "The Nutcracker"

One of my favorite holiday traditions is going to see The Nutcracker.  I love the music, the sparkles, and the bubbles.  We usually go out to eat before the ballet but this year our schedules didn't allow for that so the plan was to meet at the house at 5:45 and take the train in. 

I had to work a little late and didn't get to my neighborhood until around 4:30.  Something was wrong because traffic was a nightmare.  It took me thirty minutes to clear the intersection, and even then I had to ditch my car in a meter spot a ways away from our house.  I started looking at the traffic situation and immediately let JO know that I didn't think he would have time to come home before the ballet.  (I have this thing about needing to get to The Nutcracker right when doors open.)  At this point JO still thought he could get home but as the time ticked by it became apparent that wasn't going to happen.  He ended up having to park his car on River Street and walk into Central to meet me at the T.  This meant he didn't have a chance to get changed before the ballet, so we made an emergency stop at Old Navy in Downtown Crossing 😉

We made a quick Christmas Tree Challenge stop at the Godfrey Hotel!

Even with all of that craziness, we managed to get to the ballet right when doors opened, which meant we had no trouble getting a picture with the bear and the rabbit! 

After getting the all important picture, we headed to the upper level to enjoy some bubbles while watching the crowds stream in, before heading to our seats.

JO surprised me with second row center~ I was basically in ballet heaven!

The production was beautiful and performed exquisitely!  I'm so glad we decided to go again this year.  (For a while we didn't think we could fit it in.  The three week holiday season definitely made scheduling difficult!)

After the show, we stopped at the Ritz for another tree before heading home!

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