Monday, September 7, 2020

Days 173-179~ Whirl Wind and Mountain Tops

 Yikes!  The last week has been crazy.  I started back at school on Monday and I didn't know what grade I was going to be teaching or which building I would be teaching at.  Plus, we weren't reporting to school.  I did love my commute to the living room!

By the end of Day 173 I knew I would be teaching 4th grade for our online school.  I super excited to be back in 4th grade.  It's going to really help knowing the curriculum during a year like this.  We headed over to the Druid to enjoy the patio and to decompress from such a strange first day!

On Day 174 I was working from home again.  Since I didn't have to commute home, JO suggested we enjoy the great weather with a picnic in Kendall Square.  After dinner we headed over to check out the new set up at State Park.  They've created a take out window system and their patio is finally done being under construction.  I noticed that in this courtyard they've even installed a fire pit, which I'm super excited about!

On Day 175 I had to go into school to unpack my new classroom even though I won't be using it.  I found my bag on Lysol wipes I had stocked up on pre-pandemic.  I definitely took those home for safe keeping.  It was so hot and my allergies were so bad that when I saw this Tweet I laughed out loud for a could two minutes!  

Wednesday night was also trash night and we've been having serious issues around here.  Our building should not need 9 trash bins and 7 recycle bins.  We're quickly becoming "that" house on the block!

JO was nice enough to surprise me with a case of Shipyard which was the perfect way to cap off the day!

On Day 176, I returned to school to finish unpacking and organizing.  I listed to Joe Biden speak about the return to school and it was just so refreshing to hear someone speak with science and empathy.  It really motivated me to embrace this school year and do the best that I can do!

We've decided that we will be taking full advantage of the patios as much as possible because once the weather gets too chilly where will we go?  We enjoyed margaritas and enchiladas on the Ole Patio.  

On Day 177, I had the day off so we decided to rearrange the living room so that I can have a desk area.  Since I'm working from home and teaching live classes every day, I felt like I needed a permanent space.  We settled on using Ikea cubes so that we can push them out of the way when school is over for the day.

I also took some time to read outside since the weather was so lovely.  I'm loving Jen Lancaster's new book.  I love that there are tables outside of 1369 where you can enjoy some sunshine and city noises.

On Day 178 we went for a walk around Boston.  I love that we've had the chance to explore these green spaces in our city that we might not have done otherwise.  The city looked lovely and we even enjoyed lunch at the Alcove.

On Day 179 we headed up to New Hampshire to hike Mt. Moosilauke.  This is one of our favorite hikes and the weather was just perfect.  Back in June I had this fantasy that we would spend each weekend hiking but the heat and humidity proved that that wasn't possible.  It felt so great to be back on a mountain.  I especially love this hike because the summit is above the tree line and you can see for miles and miles.  I'm really hoping we are able to get a lot of fall hikes in.  We deserve it!

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