Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Kicking off the Holiday Season in Union Square

 JO and I have a tradition of getting our Christmas tree at Ricky's Flower Mart and walking home with it.  We've been doing it this way since 2009 and when we moved to Union the walk got a bit shorter!

We headed over to Ricky's shortly after Thanksgiving and found the most perfect tree.  Our living room has a bay window and really high ceilings so finding a tree that fills up that space can be a challenge.  But as usual, Ricky's did not disappoint.  

While the tree was opening up, we headed over to Bow Market to enjoy small business Saturday.  The cotton candy and hot chocolate were nice touches and it was a fun way to spend an afternoon in the neighborhood.  

Later that weekend we got the tree all decorated and I have to say, it looks amazing!

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