Monday, October 13, 2014

Brass Union

The first week of school left me exhausted and stressed.  So it's no surprise that JO found me curled up on the bed on the first Friday night of school at 6:30 p.m.  JO rallied me with threats of "loosing my city cred" and before I knew it we were headed out to find a patio table.  It was a beautiful night to sit outside, and in September you certainly start to feel the "threat of winter" and no more outdoor dining so you want to take advantage while you still can.

We found ourselves sitting on the patio at Brass Union surrounded by super-sized Connect 4 and Jenga.

I have to say, I really like this place.  The service is always very friendly and efficient and the food has yet to disappoint.  The menu focuses more on small plates, but they do offer a few entree sized options as well.  We each got a plate and then split an order of brussels sprouts with cheese.  I got the steak with porcini butter and cress salad, and although the portion isn't huge it's pretty filling and quite delicious.  The brussels are pretty addictive and the drink menu is solid.

We played a rather fun game of Jenga, although with pieces that big the game gets a little dangerous towards the end.  Neither of us wanted the night to end so we headed inside for cocktails and shuffleboard.  I had a lovely drink with rosemary, thyme, simple syrup, bubbles, gin, and lemon but I lost the shuffleboard.  

It was nice to be reminded that school is just a part of my life, not my whole life!  Thank goodness we live in an area with access to so many fun spots!

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