Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Classic 5K

Some how we managed to sign up for five 5Ks this fall, starting with the Fall Classic at the end of September.  Unfortunately, I acquired a lovely fall cold a few days before the race.  I was so disappointed because I didn't think I would be able to run the race.  I couldn't take a sick day to recover, since it was too early in the year (such is the life of a teacher.)

I went with JO to pick up the race gear and was still feeling like I wouldn't be able to do the race.  As the night went on I felt a little bit better and JO, and our friend Ernie, seized the opportunity to give me a mega pep talk.  All of a sudden, I was running the race and that was that.

I woke up in the morning, not feeling wonderful, but good enough to give it a try.  I went through my pre-race prep of coffee, cheerios, and gearing up.  It was pretty humid out and rather warm but I somehow managed to make it through the race.  It helped that the course was pretty flat, and one I was pretty familiar with.  I was a few minutes off my personal best, but that was to be expected, and I was so proud of myself for finishing.

After the race we enjoyed the post race party, complete with drinks and a DJ.  It was a beautiful day in the city and race number 1 was complete!  Only four more to go!

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