Monday, October 13, 2014

Summer Day (I mean Fall Day)

 The first weekend of October brought the most beautiful summer day of the year.  Yes, you read that correctly.  It was in the mid-eighties, no clouds in the sky, a soft breeze, and no humidity.  JO and I had set aside our entire day to enjoy the weather in the city.  We figured it would be one of the last outdoor days and we planned to take full advantage of the day!

Our plan was to do a little "lounge crawl" in the Seaport.  We would order drinks and an appetizer at a few different places.  Our first stop was the Barking Crab for steamers and beer.  After all, summer days call for steamers.  With the reggae band, yellow and red awning, and water views I almost thought we had driven to the Cape.

Our next stop was across the street at The Daily Catch.  Unfortunately, the only table they had for us had this view.

I kid you not, they actually said this was the "only" table they had and they hoped it was ok.  Ummm, was ok!  We ordered some salads, since vegetables had been seriously lacking in our diets, enjoyed the views and felt utterly relaxed.  We talked about how great our summer was and how much we have to look forward to this fall.

Then, we walked along the Harbor Walk, hung out in Faneuil Hall for a while (where we saw some huge Indian wedding), and then took the T over to Harvard Square.

We wandered around Harvard Square, enjoying all the people that were out on such a gorgeous day.  We didn't want the evening to end so we headed to Daedalus.  It was our lucky day because for some strange reason there was no wait for a table on the roof deck.  We enjoyed delicious food, a yummy cocktail, and the best day of the summer, even if it was in October.

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