Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Night Out with No Plan... Spontanaiety takes Over

Last night we headed out into Boston with no specific plan in place. We decided to just roam around and discover something new... and that's exactly what we did!

We got off the T at Copley Plaza and started walking around Boylston St. It wasn't too cold which was nice. As we were walking down the street a free wine tasting sign caught my eye. We made a buzz line for Best Cellars and at the same time almost took half the people on the sidewalk. Oops! I've seen this place a lot but never had the time to go in. I'm glad we did. It's a really neat wine shop, with lots of variety and wineries that you don't see in most stores. The free wine tasting was fun and most of the wines were very reasonably priced.

Since we were pretty hungry by this point we started checking out the restaurants. We thought about going to Solas Bar but we've been there before so we decided on Vox Populi. We got a great table in the "living room" portion of the restaurant. The food was really good, they had a lot of fun drinks, and the creme brulee was excellent. The only downside was the fact that there was a television right in front of our table and they had put it on CNN's live coverage of the Haiti earthquake, including a segment on the mass grave sites.

By the time we were done with dinner it was only about 8:00 and I was a bit sad that we were heading home so early. I think JO realized this because he suggested we do some urban hiking and get off the train at Kendall. We never really walk around Kendall, and since I was armed with the mega-poofy jacket, I was all for it.

I'm so glad we decided to do this... I love to explore. The first fun place we discovered was the Kendall Hotel. I've done some investigating of this place before but I've never seen it in person. It is a gorgeous hotel in an old brick firehouse on Main St. The Black Sheep Restaurant is part of the hotel and the menu looks delightful. We are definitely going back.

Next up we found this gem Central Bottle Wine. I wish we had stopped in, but we'll certainly be going there soon.

Then we stumbled upon a hidden Bertucci's, and who doesn't love Bertucci's and Cuchi Cuchi. My friend Kendra had first introduced me to this restaurant but we've never gone. After seeing the adorable outside I want to go asap.

Our last stop was the MIT Museum. We heard they were having a holograph art exhibit. I have to admit that it was pretty cool.

What a lovely start to the weekend!

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