Monday, March 15, 2010

March Madness

March Madness has arrived, and I don't mean in just the basketball sense. (Although that is my favorite kind!) It's been raining for three days straight and I think I forget what the sun looks like.

March is my favorite month, because of the birthday, basketball, and the impending signs of spring. But, March is also my least favorite month because I always seem to be too busy to do anything. I decided I'm putting my foot down and taking advantage of whatever opportunities come my way... even if I have a million things to do.

We were invited to dinner at Jacob Wirth Co. Restaurant which is a German style restaurant. Ever since last year's Dietermiester experience at Epcot's Germany restaurant I've been hooked on sauerkraut. So even though I had a late meeting and a million things on my to-do list we headed into the city. So glad we did... it was a ton of fun and I found this new gem Bina Osteria that I cannot wait to try!!! We also spent some quality time with the gang from the Cape. I always leave there smiling and thinking about how much our lives have changed since we lived in our apartments in the woods.

Saturday night we didn't venture far out of our neighborhood, what with the hurricane force winds and torrential downpour, but we did brave the weather to go to Trina's Starlite Lounge. And as my friend pointed out, we did walk to Somerville. I have to say that Trina's is a nice addition to our neighborhood. They have a nice menu with lots of inexpensive choices and some really fun drinks.

The weekend ended in much the same way our last few weekends have ended...with Christina's Homemade Icecream. I'm a bit concerned that we have been eating so much ice cream, and that JO actually went outside in yesterday's rain to get us frappes, and it's not even warm out yet. What is the summer going to be like?

And now I must spend the rest of my evening on tackling the biggest project of March... my brackets! I really want to pick Vermont over Syracuse... is that wrong of me? I called it the last time Vermont beat Syracuse in the tournament.


  1. Go with your gut on the Vermont over Syracuse! I am still so sad I wasn't able to go to Jacob Wirth-which means we will have to go again.

  2. Lets plan an outing! That wine bar is right there... two birds with one stone.
