Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pedestrains, Bike Riders, and Drivers- A Rant!!!

I should not be writing this right now. I should be sitting on my couch with my feet up watching March Madness. I should not be looking at the computer screen (although it's quite hard for me to watch this Georgetown game... you are the number 3 seed... you should not be losing by 15!!!) So why am I writing this?

I'll tell you why! I am absolutely sick of what I am seeing on the roads lately. I'm pretty sure it's a direct result of the nice weather. More people are walking and riding their bikes and the entire system of crosswalks and rules of the road is breaking down!

If you are a pedestrian you have the right to:
*safely cross the street

If you are a pedestrian you have the responsibility to:
*cross at the designated crosswalk. The City of Cambridge did not paint them on the sidewalk just for the fun of it!

Please, please, please stop jumping into lanes of traffic wherever you feel like. I don't want to see you smushed...and I certainly don't want to be the one to smush you! Please don't sneak out from behind trucks and vans and expect me to know that you are there. And for your own sake, don't decide to cross the street when the sign says don't. That really messes up traffic and makes people very angry. I'm afraid I'm going to get caught up in a huge road rage incident because you weren't patient enough to wait the 40 seconds until it was safe to cross. For crying out loud... the cross signs have an electronic countdown on them.

While I'm at it if you are a bike rider don't forget that you have to obey the same rules that drivers do. I don't get to drive in other lanes if I feel like it. Stay in the bike lane when there is one. Don't sneak up next to my car so that you can blow through the red light. If I can't go through the light, neither can you! And don't give me a dirty look when I pull into the right part of the lane at the Fresh Pond intersection impacting your forward progress. You're supposed to stop at the light!!! And if I didn't pull into that lane I would be stuck at the light for 15 minutes.

We get a little nice weather and everything falls apart! Thankfully the coolness that is Cambridge prevails. Please check out

TROMP | Travel Responsibility Outreach & Mentoring Project

for more information on traveling on the streets safely!


  1. You go girl! I just pray for the poor, innocent pedestrian that comes across your path...

  2. Thanks :-) If we all followed the rules we wouldn't have these problems :-)
