When we heard rumors of a rock gym opening in Union Square we were intrigued. The rumors were indeed true, and back in the fall Brooklyn Boulders opened just outside Union Square. Brooklyn Boulders has a lot going for- huge space, really high walls, yoga and pilates classes, fitness equipment, two lounges, and a shared workspace (a bit trendy but I can envision myself correcting papers there.)
The space was designed really well. If you climb high enough you reach the huge windows at the top of the gym that have views of the Boston skyline. The wall of windows at the back, that overlook the train tracks, bring in a lot of light to the space, and make for a fun experience when the train goes by. Plus they did a super job with the artwork...you kind of can't help but feel happy there.
And of course, the fact that we can walk here is pretty awesome! The walk home goes past a Thai restaurant and the Whole Foods so dinner options are really easy and the whole trip to the rock gym is a lot quicker. I think this will help me keep climbing during the school year.
I had waited to get a membership because it is a lot pricier than Metro Rock, but I lucked out and got an epic deal during their Summer Solstice sale. I was really excited to get back into climbing and yoga. I used to take yoga classes at the Lilypad in Inman but they stopped offering classes two years ago and I've definitely been missing yoga.
Since joining, I've had a chance to check out the yoga class and the fitness equipment. The yoga room is a bit brighter than most yoga studios I've been in but that's minor. The space has lots of room and the instructor was good. I've also had a chance to use the fitness equipment and I'm impressed. I really love that the treadmills have video monitors and they let you "run" in National Parks. I haven't had to wait for a machine and I love the disinfecting wipes that they have to wipe down machines, no spray bottle needed.
And of course, we've gone climbing a few times and it's been nice getting back into the swing of things. The major downside to Brooklyn Boulders is the fact that walls are wooden. Metro Rock definitely has better walls that mimic outdoor climbing a lot better. You can't use the wooden walls for any traction or footing which is disappointing but overall I'm really happy with the switch.
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