Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Second Chance

After climbing this week JO and I decided to give Bukowski's a second chance.  The open garage doors/windows were too much to resist.  We got a table right next to the open windows but other than that, I was once again disappointed.

JO ordered a burger and I got the heirloom tomato and mozzarella salad.  The food didn't disappoint, just like last time.  The food is cooked well, although JO's side salad was so drenched in some kind of vinegar dressing that even I, who adores all things tangy and vinegary, had trouble with eating it.

The beer selection has become a bit limited, which is surprising for a bar that was known for it's crazy selection.  And the beers have gotten really expensive.  Now I know this is a problem around the city but this was a bit much.   Plus, just like the old version, it's really loud in there and we can't figure out why.  It wasn't crowded but it was still hard to hear each other.

Even with how loud it was, I was able to hear the people at the table next to us.  I quite enjoyed their conversation.  From what I could gather, three of the four people at the table had just moved to the area for grad school.  The fourth guy was their friend who already lived here and was acting like a tour guide.  I'm not quite sure how good he was at that because when the girl saw people walking by with ice cream (that was sure from Christina's next door) he mentioned Toscanini's in Central and he even convinced his friends to hit up the Beehive, which "was pretty close" as the next bar.  The Beehive is in the South End and isn't exactly nearby Inman, even via Uber.  I did love how excited this group was about living in Cambridge.  They kept talking about how many awesome things are around them and how they can't wait to try everything.  I totally know how they are feeling!

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