Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ringing in 2020

2019 was the best of years (we went on so many adventures, got a new bathroom, and family members got healthy) and the worst of years (no really, pretty much anything and everything that could go wrong did go wrong.)  I would have been perfectly fine with hanging at home this year.  2019 has been so crazy that I didn't even realize it was the end of a decade until about a month ago.  When I did realize that, I decided the staying at home plan wasn't going to cut it.  The end of a decade seems like something you should go out and celebrate.  Plus it would help us celebrate 2019 because even though it felt like we were in a constant state of crisis, there was a lot to celebrate and remember about the year.

We started looking at NYE events around the city.  A lot of the parties were expensive and would require us to get somewhat dressed up and that really wasn't appealing to me.  That's when I came across the NYE party at Aeronaut Brewery.  It was decently priced with no real wardrobe expectations!  The theme of the night was Glamour and Gold" but they were pretty upfront about saying wear whatever you want! Winning! 

We headed over to Aeronaut with some good friends.  We were smart and got there pretty much when doors opened, which allowed us to claim seats at one of the picnic tables.  Aeronaut had said some snacks would be provided, and they weren't joking.  There was so much to snack on.  We had already had a pretty big dinner at Ole but if we come back again next year I'm going to keep in mind the crazy amount of food that was set up all over the tap room.  There were sandwiches, cheese, salami, veggie trays, pasta salads galore, etc. 

They also had two different musical acts.  The first half of the evening featured a guitarist and singer singing covers of 80s, 90s, and 2000s songs.  They were really good. The second half of the evening was a hip hop DJ.  We spent the evening playing card games and just chatting with our friends.  It was the most low key night ever and just perfect in my opinion.  When you looked around, almost everyone was sensibly dressed, the sign of a good crowd in my books 😉 They also kept the amount of people in the tap room at a level that made it feel festive without feeling claustrophobic.  We never really had to wait in line for anything and they even had a photo booth which is always fun!

When midnight rolled around, they dropped tons of balloons from the ceiling and we all toasted with their glitter brut beer.  Yes, the beer was gold and full of edible glitter and absolutely beautiful!  It really was a fun way to ring in 2020, even if it wasn't real bubbles!

I'm hoping 2020 brings us happiness, health, and a lot more adventures and I'm hoping the same for you!
And these aren't even all of the adventures we had. I'll keep reminding myself about this whenever I think of this year!

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