Monday, January 20, 2020

Spring Weekend

I'm not a fan of winter.  I mean, I love a good snow day, but I hate the cold, snow, slush, and occasional Polar Vortex that winter brings with it.  So when the weather people started forecasting crazy 70 degree weather for last weekend I was beyond excited.  I even scaled back my weekend school work so that we could enjoy every last minute of sunshine and warm weather.

On Saturday we decided to go for a run/open house tour through Somerville and Cambridge.  I think we ended up running five miles.  It was almost too warm for a run but I certainly wasn't complaining.  We had a great time exploring some new neighborhoods of Somerville during our run. 

 Of course, our run took us to Bow Market where we enjoyed some Hotbox Pizza and beers on the patio at Remnant Brewery.  It was so amazing to not be wearing a jacket outside in January!  Everything is better when you're getting a lot of sunshine and warm weather.

Later that night we walked into the city for dinner at Marliave!  Marliave is one of our favorite, if not our favorite, spots in the city.  It seemed like the perfect day to enjoy oysters at their bar.  It was so nice to walk around the city without shivering and rushing.  (As I told JO, this could be our life if we moved to California!)

Sunday morning was a little rainy but by the afternoon the clouds cleared and the 70 degree weather returned and of course, we returned to Remnant.  (It really is a great place to relax and be lazy.)  One of the things I love about Remnant is all the puppies!  I love puppy watching!  We were smart to get there early.  The patio was totally packed by the time we left and everyone was happy!

The whole weekend made me feel so relaxed and ready for the week ahead.  In true New England fashion, it flurried all morning on Monday and was in the low 30s.  (Hurry back spring!  I already miss you!)

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