Monday, June 22, 2020

Day 102~ Social Distancing Father's Day

We stopped at my dad's first and it's still so weird to visit and be afraid to be near him.  I wanted to spend more time with him but I don't want to put him in any danger.  I know it's hard for him to be alone but he has a good attitude about it, which makes it easier.

Next up, we headed down to JO's parents.  They have a big deck and large yard so we were able to spread out outside.  That made it feel safer but it still felt risky 😞 We were definitely very focused on safety protocols but his parents still touched our plates, glasses, and food and we touched their door handles.  It's a lot to juggle and a lot to remember and it's easy to let your guard down.  It was really nice to visit with them but the struggle was real.  I don't really want to do that again any time soon.  It's too stressful.

We made it home in time to catch the ESPY awards hosted by my favorite sports couple, Sue and Megan!  They did an amazing job and got rave reviews!

It's hard to see in this picture, but they are wearing shirts with each other's picture on them!

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