Friday, June 19, 2020

Day 99~ The Neighborhood is Excited!

Yesterday a friend stopped by my stoop to deliver a birthday present.  She's been hanging on to it since March and she swears she bought the card before the lockdown.  Too funny!

It was weird to see someone in real life.  We're going to try a socially distant picnic soon.  I almost suggested we hit up a patio when I realized that would mean I need to sit across from someone outside my bubble and not wear masks.  I'm so not ready for that!  Picnic it is!

I also took advantage of an online lecture from Radcliffe.  I've attended several of the free lectures at Radcliffe over the years and I always leave feeling like my academic brain has been stretched.  I'm so glad they moved their spring series online.  Yesterday's lecture was about the role of music during the COVID crisis. They spoke about topics including the singing from balconies in Italy, the new ways musicians are adapting to performing online, and trying to be creative during a lockdown.

The real highlight of day 99 was our first, of many, trips to the Starlite Snack Shack.  There was a certain energy in the neighborhood that's been missing for a long time.  We had something to look forward to.  (Side note- On our walk over to the Snack Shack I saw someone walking home from The Druid with a to go cup of Guinness.  That's a thing now and I'm here for it.).

I love soft serve ice cream and it's going to be hard not to visit on a daily basis!

After our snack shack visit, we headed home for a crazy night of Ace of Cakes, Galaxy Trucker, and cute kittens!  It was a pretty solid day!

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