I'm currently sitting at my desk, slathered in Icy Hot, with an Ace Bandage wrapped around my upper shin trying to figure out how a weekend filled with such promise failed so miserably?
It all started off so fabulously. After a horrible day in the Square on Thursday, mostly due to Harvard Freshman Move In Day, Friday was a welcome change. The weather was gorgeous and I was able to find a place to read, although my tables are gone for good! On my way home from the Square my friend texted and suggested lunch outside in the Square.
We ended up on the roof deck of
Daedalus enjoying the beautiful weather, and the best Cobb Salad ever! We had a great lunch, enjoying the fact that we weren't working on this Friday afternoon. We followed up the great lunch by hanging out with our friends in the evening at
The Precinct, another favorite of ours. It was really a perfect way to start the weekend and I was really looking forward to one last hurrah before starting back at work this week.
The plan was simple.
Swan Boats in the late afternoon, followed by a picnic in the Public Gardens, and then just enjoying the city at night. All I really wanted to do was walk around the city when it's all lit up! We enjoyed a lovely Swan Boat ride. We also saw three different wedding parties getting their pictures taken which is always a fun surprise. After the Swan Boat ride we realized how hot it really was. We decided to nix the picnic plans, instead opting for dinner at
Wagamama at the
Pru. Due to an unfortunate mis-communication, we did not stay in the city to see it all lit up at night... instead we started walking home.... from the Pru! That's about a 2.5 mile walk... in sandals, after having run two miles at the gym earlier in the day.
I was really confused so I didn't understand what was happening until it was too late. I love me a good urban hike, preferably when there is shopping involved, and I even like this urban hiking route... but not after running 2 miles and only when wearing sneakers!
By the time we approached the Mass Ave Bridge my feet were killing, by the time we got to the other side my feet were numb, and by the time we reached the train tracks in Central I had to sit down. My walking became a shuffle and I honestly didn't think I would be able to walk the rest. However, we couldn't really get a cab from Central to where we live on Prospect without the driver laughing in our face so my only choice was to walk. We had thought about stopping somewhere for a drink but I was so miserable, and my legs were aching, that I turned down all of the places along the way, until we ended up at the
Field. I'd been wanting to try their new patio all summer and I figured this might be a way to salvage the evening. The patio was great, very similar to the patio at
Devlin's in Brighton, but it did nothing to raise my spirits.
After a quick stop we walked the last few blocks home. I was pretty much near tears at this point, as I could no longer feel my legs and feet. (Please don't think I am horribly out of shape... I blame my complete body breakdown on the running I had done earlier and the sandals I was wearing.) JO went to get ice cream and I winced my way up the 3 flights of stairs to our apartment.
Once inside it was all I could do to lie down on the bed. My entire body ached from my head to my toes. My muscles were definitely very angry at me. I fell asleep by 9:00 but woke up at 1:00 due to the pain. I remained awake until 4:00 when I was finally able to fall asleep again.
As a result, today, my last real day of vacation, has been pretty much a waste!
Fear not, there are lots of fun things planned for next weekend which will hopefully make up for this mess!