Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to the City

I was recently visiting an absolutely fabulous friend of mine, Abdu, at his home in the Cape. He told me I was his Carrie Bradshaw and I thought... you know what, hat's an awesome title for a blog! So here I am, blogging away. I've kept a blog for about five years now, but it's always been more of a journal for me to keep track of my thoughts and occasionally rant and rave. I felt so invigorated after my visit with Abdu and a recent epiphany at a party that I decided to give real blogging a try.

Disclaimer- I am nothing like the real Carrie Bradshaw. I don't have lots of extra money to spend on fabulous shoes, amazing clothes, and delicious meals at upscale restaurants. But, what I do have is a great life in an amazing city... and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I absolutely adore living in Cambridge, MA and never pass up an opportunity to share my experiences with anyone who will listen. I get mad when people tell me I'm too "old" to live in the city and that I need to grow up. After all, I am super old at the ripe age of.... 31! We don't all want to be married with kids living in the suburbs. I get mad when people tell me about how much easier my life would be if I didn't live in the city. Apparently having a Whole Foods, hardware store, Dunkin Donuts, hair dresser, performance space, and post office all within five minutes of my apartment is really difficult. Not to mention the amazing restaurants and bars that surround me. And I'd be remiss to not mention the fact that a few months ago my boyfriend and I decided to buy a new bed. Did we drive to IKEA or Jordan's? Nope! We walked across the street to the furniture store, bypassed the delivery fee, and walked our stuff back to our apartment.

I grew up in Central Square in Cambridge so I've always had strong ties to the city. When I was seven my parents bought a house in a small town on the South Shore. I immediately went into culture shock. At my 7th birthday party I was the only native English speaker and now I was in a town where everyone was exactly the same. I failed at my first attempt to return to the city when I couldn't get a large enough scholarship to attend Lesley University. After I graduated college I ended up taking a teaching position in the same school district I had attended. I never intended for that to happen, in fact it was my worst nightmare. I always felt trapped.

Luckily for me three years ago I got pink slipped and having hit the rock bottom of my twenties I decided to get a new job, closer to the city, find an apartment with cool roommates, and basically completely change my life. It's a long story, that I'm sure I'll tell at some point, but long story short three years later I live in an awesome apartment in Inman Square (ten minutes from where I lived when I was little) with my wonderful boyfriend. It took me 23 years to get back to Cambridge and I couldn't be happier!