Monday, August 3, 2009

This Wouldn't Happen in the Suburbs

I had intentions of blogging about my other inspiration for the blog, my recent epiphany, but
a) I'm exhausted and don't have the energy for a lengthy post
b) I'm still laughing about this four hours after it happened

So here goes. I woke up today feeling tired and cranky. My day only got worse once I checked my work email. So I decided I needed to regroup and go into Harvard Square. I absolutely love walking into the Square on summer mornings for an iced coffee and quality reading time. I knew this would be the perfect antidote for this new layer of stress that had been added to my life.

Like I said in an earlier post, I'm not Carrie Bradshaw. So instead of Manolo Blahniks, I donned socks and sneakers, some shorts, and a tank top. I tucked my hair into a hat, grabbed my black book bag, and headed out the door. I turned on my Nano and set out to reclaim my summer calm.

I've been walking down Harvard St. recently to get to the square as it offers the most direct route to Dunkin Donuts and my secret squirrel reading spot. As I turned onto Harvard St. this older woman who was waiting for the bus hissed at me and made claw gestures with her hands. I'll admit that I was slightly caught off guard by this. I decided my best course of action would be to just continue walking. As I passed her she started yelling at me, quite angrily, saying that I was lazy and that if the straps on my bag weren't so long I wouldn't have to hold the straps. This lasted for about 30 seconds. She was so loud that the people in the cars were staring at us.

Now I will have you know that I am not lazy. Nothing about my appearance today would suggest that I was lazy. I was wearing sneakers and clearly walking from point A to point B. I'm fit and in shape and there many words people could use to describe me but lazy is not one of them! Also, I typically walk with my right arm on the straps of my bag, not due to lazyiness (which isn't even a valid attack in this situation as my having my arm on my bag's strap doesn't equal lazy behavior) but because I don't like the strap pushing on my shoulder.

The point of this story is that this is a classic incident that anti-city people use to explain why they don't want to live in the city and/or why you shouldn't live in the city...last time I checked it was my money paying the rent, but I digress. The fact is, this is why I live in the city. It's unpredictable, it's fun, and I always have stories to tell. If I lived in the 'burbs I'm pretty sure my blog would be empty.

1 comment:

  1. Moments like those make it all worth while! It makes you appreciate your sanity, and well, fun insanity moments as well :)
    We've had a lot of funny times together! I can only imagine what goes on in Harvard Square!
