Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yoga at the Lily Pad

I've been doing my fair share of relaxing on this vacation, but I've also been trying to recommit myself to a healthy lifestyle by doing more exercising. I've been hitting up the gym and using the Couch to 5k app to make my time there more productive. I don't envision running a 5k but I do like the routine.

I've also been wanting to get back into yoga for a while now. The problem is my gym doesn't offer any classes and most of the classes around here are pretty expensive. I finally found an interesting option at the The Lily Pad in Inman Square. The Lily Pad is a small performance space in the heart of the square. There are always neat shows going on there and one of these days I will go to one. They also host an array of yoga classes throughout the week. I chose a teaching class because it was only $5. I looked up the style of yoga and it seemed to focus on lots of stretching and breathing.

I showed up to the class and one of the instructors offered to place my mat for me. Sounded good to me. I was sitting on my mat, waiting for the class to begin, when one of the instructors offered me a foam block. I looked around and most of the other participants had one so I figured I should take one. The class really filled up. I think there were about 20 of us in there and I started to get a little nervous. Most of the other people looked really experienced. They were doing stretches I have never seen before and it looked like Lucy and Athletica threw up in there. I felt a little bit better when the woman next to me asked me why she would need a foam block.

The instructors lit a bunch of candles and shut off the lights. I became very aware that there was no air conditioning in the room. The instructor started talking in a very calm, gentle voice. She talked about doing this for yourself, and letting your breathing take over. I felt very focused and relaxed and then all of a sudden she started using words and phrases that made no sense to me. This was definitely not a class for beginners.

I stretched and held poses for long periods of time and I'm pretty sure the tree and eagle stuff is going to prevent me from walking straight tomorrow. I tried to copy the people around me as best I could. I really started to panic because it was getting so hot in there I started to wonder if it was hot yoga and I just couldn't figure out how to go from a dishango push up to a downward dog without falling. I also was a bit freaked out by all of the heavy breathing. I've taken yoga classes before but this was crazy. It sounded like monks chanting. I started to wonder what my favorite author Jen Lancaster would do in this situation.

Then, magically the air conditioning and ceiling fans came on and I snapped out of my panic. Sure I still couldn't do most of the moves, but because it was a teaching class there were several instructors walking around giving help on alignment and reach. The main instructor also talked about owning the time for yourself. So often we don't think we have an hour but you know what? Almost always we do have that hour, we're just afraid of letting go. I totally fell into the tranquil music and forgot about my aching muscles although I'm sure I'll remember them in the morning. I thought about how great I would have felt all last year if I did something like this once a week.

Depending on how much pain I'm in tomorrow I might go back next week. If not, I'm going to find a class in the neighborhood that I could take. Just another bonus of living in Inman- local yoga!

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