Sunday, January 1, 2023

City Fun Day- A Visit to Caffe Vittoria

 On Friday it was a bit cloudier, but still in the 50s.  After battling a cold and an injured knee all week, I was finally feeling good enough to get out and do some city living.

I took the Green Line over to Lechmere so I could get a salad from Tatte and eat outside at the picnic tables by the water.

After lunch I hopped back on the Green Line and headed over to the North End.  Sometimes on a city fun day I hem and haw about where to go.  I go back and forth about all the pros and cons of various places.  Not on this day though.  For some reason I really wanted to go to Caffe Vittoria.  I haven't been here in years but it's one of my favorite spots in the city.  I love the atmosphere, the old fashioned decor, and the round bistro tables.  It's also a great spot because you can get wine, a few cocktails, dessert, and an amazing selection of coffees.

The space is big, don't get tricked.  If you go past the first counter you see, you will end up in the larger seating area and the second counter area.  I grabbed a table in the elevated seating area and ordered a glass of prosecco and drank it while reading my book.

I followed that up with a piece of tiramisu and the best cappuccino in the city.  They put this mocha powder on the top and it's a coffee and a dessert all at the same time.

Since the weather was nice, I took the long way back to the train, and stopped to enjoy the common before heading home.

When I got off the train in Union I realized I had time to sprint up to the Tower to catch the sunset.  I'm so glad I did.  (And I just told JO today we need to do more sunset viewing in the new year)

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