Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed these past few weeks. I have literally had 3 or 4 meetings per week. When you're a teacher, these meetings extend your regular working day. I totally understand that most of my friends work a lot more hours than me, so I don't want anyone to think I don't their jobs are hard... but the fact is that if I get home before 5:00 I can enjoy everything around me. If I get home after 5:00 I have to focus on getting ready for the next day.

This has really been stressing me out recently. I haven't been able to walk around the river in forever. I can't even remember when the last time was. Apparently in my meeting craze our neighborhood got a new Asian restaurant. I didn't even know if was done until I had to walk to the bank the other night. I feel like I'm missing so many great opportunities around me because I have so many meetings. I'm missing out on enjoying my city.

No matter what, I am enjoying some sort of city fun this weekend. I am putting my foot down and I mean it! Until then, I'll look at these two pictures and smile... my most favorite place in the city is the Public Gardens and the Skywalk Observatory is fabulous!


  1. I hear your pain. I have four hours of meetings scheduled today, but those are part of my work day, as opposed to extra hours. That is a typical Thursday for me. On average, I have two hours of meetings per day... Meetings suck.
