Monday, June 26, 2017

Desfina's and some Tourists

Sometimes I get in this zone where I must have a Greek Salad immediately, nothing else will do.  My neighborhood is seriously lacking when it comes to the Greek Salad department, which used to pose a problem until we discovered Desfina's, in East Cambridge, last fall.  Desfina's is a twenty minute walk away but the salad is worth it!

After surviving two days of PD, a heat wave, and Field Day I found myself in one of these Greek Salad zones so I headed over to Desfina's and grabbed a seat at the bar.  Desfina's is a great place to go with others, but it's also a great place to go if you're eating solo.  You can usually find a seat at the bar and there's lots going on to occupy your attention. Obviously, I love going out with JO and/or friends but after six hours of Field Day fun, I really just wanted some alone time :-)

I decided to try out their mojito, because I had survived Field Day after all, and to my delight it was delicious!  As I was waiting for salad, two women sat down next to me.  It was clear they had been to this restaurant before but it was also clear that they were tourists so I was a little confused.  They were super friendly, so I wasn't confused for too long.  Both women were from Oklahoma, and in town for business.  One of the women had discovered Desfina's last year when she was here for work.  The women had come three nights in a row and made friends with the chef, bartender, and hostess.  We got to talking because they were really interested in Cambridge.  They loved how many different people were out and about (something I still take for granted sometimes because it's just the norm here and I'm so used to it.)  We talked about the "People's Republic of Cambridge" and what Cantabrigians are really like.  I even planned their day off for them with an itinerary of the Seaport, North End, and Faneiul Hall.  It was such a fun night and exactly what I love about living in the city!

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