Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day 101~ Moona, Moona, Moona

This heat wave is really annoying me.  I hate the feeling of being trapped indoors during my summer vacation (not that I haven't been trapped indoors because of quarantine, but when Mother Nature is causing it, it's pretty annoying.) 

I spent most of the day doing workouts on Open Fit, a Melt session, and cleaning.  The house had gotten pretty messy and it was nice to get things back in order.  Super exciting day around here for sure!

The big decision facing us on Saturday was where to get take out.  I had wanted to try Oleana but they were out of a bunch of stuff by the time we went to place our order.  I'm not upset at all by this because it means they are getting good business, so yay to them and lesson learned on our part. 

We decided to walk past Moona's patio to see if there was a spot and if there wasn't we would get take out from Dali, which is on our must do list as well.  Lucky us, there was a table left on their patio.  They definitely recognize us now and thanked us for our repeat business.  Unlike yesterday when I felt guilty sitting at Charlie's Kitchen, I didn't here.  The tables are well spaced and the planters make for a natural separation that doesn't scream "we're in the middle of a pandemic."  Added bonus, the entire patio gets shade from the building next door so even though it was 87 degrees outside it was relatively comfortable on the patio.  This was the fourth time we've sat outside at a restaurant and the first time I felt completed settled and not guilty or nervous.  Well done Moona, well done!

When we got home we turned on the news and started laughing out loud when we saw the "giant" audience at you know who's rally!  He was outsmarted by an army of Tick Tockers!  Well played tweens, well played!

We spent the rest of the night watching some of the short films available online from this year's Palm Springs International Short Film Festival.  The movies are available through the 22nd.  Definitely check it out!

I saw this add for a GreCo Picnic Basket and it comes with an adult juice bag of wine!  Brilliant!

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