Sunday, June 28, 2020

Day 107~ Friday Funday

One of the things I have been most thankful for over the last one hundred plus days is the chance to get in really good shape.  I've had the time to go running, to take a yoga class, a Melt Method recovery class, a pilates class, and tons of barre classes.  I'm in the best shape of my life and that feels really good.  I only wish we could go on a hiking adventure to put my new fitness level to good use.

I invested in this home barre (I may have possibly purchased this last weekend when I was a little bit tipsy) but it's actually been a solid investment. 

I'm also still Melting on Fridays!  (The Melt app is like having a physical therapist on call)

I also spent some time working on my UConn class about the science behind Covid-19.  I've been learning a lot, and one of those things is that the virus can cause long lasting lung damage. 

Since it was a beautiful night, we decided to head over to Moona, probably the only patio in Cambridge we've found that we trust, for a delicious dinner.  We headed over really early because we wanted to make sure we got a table.  They've added Edison bulbs to the patio since our last visit and you know how much I love those!  Our waiter told us they are even adding waterproof decorative tarps. 

Sadly, it was only 7:00pm when we returned the living room!  I do miss being able to extend an evening by stopping in another restaurant or walking around.  Thankfully, the kittens are still super cute!

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