Sunday, June 14, 2020

Day 93~ Back to a Patio~ My Thoughts on Returning to the Restaurant Scene

It took 93 days, but we finally had a conflict in the use of the living room.  Usually, from 10:00am - 4:00pm the living room belongs to me.  It's my classroom/office/gym/physical therapy room/coffee shop.  Occasionally, JO will join me for a lunch break.  This system has been working really well for 93 days, and we haven't gotten on each other's nerves yet!  But on Day 93 the system seemed to have broken down for a minute when my workout was interrupted by "emergency touch up painting" 😱

Friday night was lovely, weather wise, so we decided to go for a walk.  Our walk took us past the new "oasis" at Moona.  They have created a patio in the walkway that used to lead to Inman Oasis.  Inman Oasis is now closed for good (😪) so Moona's "oasis" name is an homage to that.  I haven't felt comfortable returning to patios but this one was too hard to resist and the tables are really well spaced out, with planters in between most of them.  Even with all of that, if we weren't able to sit in the far back table I'm not sure I would have taken the risk.  Here's where I'm at with this whole dining out thing:

Pros~ the patio was beautiful and I felt like the restaurant is really taking safety seriously.  Because we had a table in the back we didn't have to worry about anyone but the server walking past our table.  Obviously the food and drink was delicious.

Cons~ Watching someone else touch my plate and glass freaked me out.  JO reminded me that as long as I didn't touch my face I would be good, which helped.  I also felt like a total jerk every time the waiter was at our table and I wasn't wearing my mask.  I was very conscious of people's movements.  Again, since we had an isolated table that was minimal but if we sat somewhere else that would have been elevated.  Basically the whole time there was this little sense of personal safety and well being which didn't allow me to totally relax.  I did enjoy the experience but I never really settled into the experience.

End result- if a patio is really well planned out I might consider a visit.  If it's not (and we've seen a bunch that aren't following any kinds of rules) it's not going to happen.  That being said, I'm not rushing out to find my next patio.

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