Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Day 97~ School's Out for Summer

Day 97 was the last day of school for me.  Usually there's this euphoria that courses through me when I walk out of the school building to start summer vacation. This year, I exited my Google Meet and walked into the kitchen.  It really wasn't the same 😉

WNBA games are coming back.  I feel just like this person does.

To celebrate school being over, and the completion of my 20th year working, we headed over to Sulmona to get take out.  We then headed over to the "Cambridge Seaport" to take advantage of some picnic tables we saw the other day.  It was actually a great spot for a picnic.  The Longfellow Bridge is just to the right so you get to see the Red Line trains going in and out of the city.   

On our walk home we walked past Commonwealth.  We've never gone here before but they have an incredibly large patio and the tables looked really well spaced out so we decided to get drinks and dessert.  I'm not sure what other restaurants are doing (I only have Moona as a data point) but Commonwealth seems to be exceeding the standard when it comes to safety.  

*Contact tracing- when you sit down you have to give the host your name and phone number
*The menu is a QR code
*Waitstaff has to wear gloves to clear plates and dishes
*You pay by scanning a QR code
*A significant amount of cleaning spray goes on the tables when a guest leaves
*Hand sanitizer stations
*Tons of space between tables

It was such a fun way to start a summer that's going to be different from all the others.

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