Friday, June 5, 2020

Day 85~ Making the Best of It

I for one, don't think we are out of the woods yet with the virus.  I'm making it a point to be Safer at Home this summer, even if that means a big lifestyle change. 

It's been a while since I did some coloring.  Thanks to the Shag Store for this super fun coloring sheet!

Thursday nights are probably going to look different now but I'm ok with that! 

And if Denali continues to be this cute, I'm ok with it.

Our neighborhood is bouncing back, slowly.  I'm not ready to eat out yet, but this creative solution by Moona is wonderful news.  They are lucky to have the space to do that.  Most restaurants in our neighborhood do not.  

If you haven't seen this fierce, young girl, I suggest you find the video.  It will do your heart good.

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